Meteolien Experts Energies Renouvelables

ADEME-ANR : From French Wind Atlas for ADEME (2015) to PRODEOLE© software (2018)

In 2015, ADEME contracted Meteolien to make the atlas wind turbine of France on interoperable GIS. Meteolien worked with 2 partners : Météo-France and Megellium to release this Atlas on 2 scales, which presents major advances in term of indices of uncertainties and short-term variability.
From this work, in 2015, Meteolien has developed PRODEOLE ©, a long-term simulation tool for wind farms historical timetables and their valuation on the markets of electricity.
These productions are calculated on the basis of the outputs of cross-weather models, including that of Météo-France for Metropolitan France.
PRODEOLE © outlines the methodological achievements, statistics and cartography from the wind atlas.

To see the scientific poster presented during the ADEME and ANR days, on 5th June 2018, click on the following link : From French Wind Atlas for ADEME (2015) to PRODEOLE© software (2018)