Meteolien Experts Energies Renouvelables


Self-consumption based on wind power

Self-consumption, what is it ?

Self-consumption means consuming all or part of the electricity you produce yourself, or that is produced and shared by a collective to which you belong. Self-consumption is increasingly seen as an appropriate way of becoming partly self-sufficient when it comes to energy, and a way of protecting oneself against fluctuations in electricity prices, by consuming one’s own electricity production. Until now, most self-consumed electricity has come from solar or hydro power.

However, in recent years, harnessing the power of the wind has also become an option for self-consumption. Yes, companies and other organizations can now have (or share) their own wind turbine.

Like other green electricity production methods, the amount of energy produced by a wind turbine fluctuates. It is therefore necessary to have an additional contract with an electricity supplier. However, producing your own electricity, even partially, makes you more self-sufficient and gives you maximum protection against future fluctuations in the price per kilowatt-hour.

Who can benefit from self-consumption generated from wind power?

Once the land is suitable and the legal requirements for a wind power project have been met, self-consumption is open to companies of all sizes, as well as associations, local authorities and even private individuals.

It can be individual, when you consume the energy you produce yourself on the same site. It is also possible to form a collective of companies, organizations and/or individuals, to carry out a wind power project together and share the electricity generated. This is known as collective self-consumption.

autoconsommation éolienne

Services provided by Meteolien for wind energy self-consumption projects

Meteolien helps industrialists, private individuals and farmers who wish to generate self-consumption electricity on their site by assisting them throughout the wind power project.

To check the feasibility of your project, Meteolien analyzes the following aspects:

  • wind resources for the chosen site
  • the different terrain constraints
  • potential production, calculated by simulating different wind turbines using Prodeole software

 Depending on the results of this first stage, Meteolien can offer you a more detailed feasibility study and provide you with project management support.

Pre-feasibility studies are based on the French Wind Atlas developed by Meteolien in partnership with ADEME. More detailed feasibility studies are carried out using CFD software to refine the quality of the results. Meteolien has already carried out more than a dozen studies throughout France.

Find out more about our studies and support for your wind energy self-consumption projects in our brochure:


autoconsommation éolienne pour particuliers